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  • Unity
  • Character-Design
  • World Building
  • Photoshop



The Brief

It is a 2d top-down shooter game with a dark story and cartoonish characters. I used Unity for game development, Photoshop for designing characters and levels. This was a Team Project for project exhibition in college in second year of my college. It was my first project where I worked with a team and acted as a team lead. I assigned task to each member and gave my all also while motivating others to do the same.


This project has two main components i.e Level and Character Designing and Scripting. We first came up with the game idea and theme. Then the next task was to design characters and levels. We designed the main character first and then scripted the movements, shooting controls etc. After making the game functional, we added and improved design in it and other holes that we found out while testing it.

The code snippet of our character script that shows the implementation of movement of the character and the damage it takes.

Some of the characters that we designed. These were all the enemy characters and have special powers and personality about them ranging from summoning other enemies to throwing ball bombs


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