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A web application that lets you share your secrets and embarrassing moments with the public anonymously. It is a CRUD web app with many different functionalities. I have used Cloudinary for cloud-based image management and MongoDB for database,
Github finder helps you to find users in Github. It also gives you brief information about that user’s profile, which includes name, location, hireable, bio, followers, gists, recent repos, and much more. I have worked with Github API and used React Framework for this project.
A DSA based project integrated with web development that gives solutions to your sudoku with backtracking and also lets you solve randomly generated sudokus and then practice on them.
A 2d top-down shooter game with a dark story and cartoonish characters. I used Unity for game development, Photoshop for designing characters and levels. Acted as a team lead and learned a lot about teamwork
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I am a developer who is in final year of studying at Vellore Institute of Technology Bhopal India. I have been fascinated by web development and design since before I even knew what it meant. It started for me at the age of seventeen, when i realised how technology can change businesses. I believe that visual communication have the opportunity of conveying the abstract in a way that is not possible through other means of communication. The results that people see in your website sways them in your favour. Nowadays, people are busy and also smart. They have no time to visit the shop. They search the internet to know about the product or service before purchasing. So I love to create memorable and beautiful experience for them. The genre does not matter as long as I can create something that others find meaningful.